고객센터  l  자유게시판
인기검색어 스파, 물놀이, 콘도, 호텔, 레지던스
상반기 리뉴얼 공지
ymca 솔즈베이 돔룸 예약됬어요 방금! 이제 뭐해야되죠?

ymca 솔즈베이 돔룸 예약됬어요 방금! 이제 뭐해야되죠?



greetings! thank you for your e-mail today. as requested, we are pleased to reconfirm the dormitory bunk bed reservation for you with details as follows : -

name : ***(1 female)

in/out date : may 04 ? 08, (4 nights) (arrival time at hong kong airport at 04:30 p.m. approx.)

** for your information, hotel check in time is after 2:00 p.m. **

no. of rooms : one dormitory bunk bed

(maximum 4 person share one room, our dormitory room have male and female sections)

room rate : hk$300.00 plus 10% service charge per bed per night, no tax.

(the above rate is effective as of may 01, 2014)

payment : can be settled by cash or credit card upon check in

remarks : please kindly advise flight details, credit card details with expiry date plus card holder’s full name to secure this hotel booking on/before april 28,

we look forward to welcoming you to the salisbury of the ymca of hong kong.

warmest regards,

betty chau

reservations clerk

special notice

our room renovation project commenced from july until august 2014, certain guestroom floors will be blocked for room enhancement work. hotel will do utmost to minimize noise/disturbance which may occur intermittently from 0930 hours to 1800 hours during renovation period. smoking rooms will be very limited during renovation and all rooms will be smoke free after completion of renovation project. we are sorry for any inconvenience may cause to you and appreciated your understanding.


cancellation policy : -

cancellation will only be accepted in writing with at least 72 hours advance notice if reservation is guaranteed. one night room rental will be debited if reservation is guaranteed by credit card or one night room rental will be forfeited if advance deposit received, in the event of guest not showing up as scheduled, cancel or amend room reservation less than 72 hours advance notice.


we do not accept traveler cheque and personal cheque.

hotel check in time after 2:00 p.m. check out time before 11:00 a.m.


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혹시 저기에서 제가 더 알아야되는 부분있나요??

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