터보젯 예약 관련해서요...ㅠㅠ
방금 터보젯 예약을 했는데요
원래 예약과 동시에 결재가 되지 않나요??..
저는 카드번호 입력하고 그냥 안심번호라던지 공인인증서 입력하는 화면 없이 바로
transaction approved
please bring along the same credit card for this transaction and your travel document to collect your tickets at our ticketing office at the embarkation terminal.
for enquiries, please call hong kong (852) 2859 3333 / international toll free tel. 00800 3628 3628 (available in china, macau & taiwan)
transaction approved
please bring along the same credit card for this transaction and your travel document to collect your tickets at our ticketing office at the embarkation terminal.
for enquiries, please call hong kong (852) 2859 3333 / international toll free tel. 00800 3628 3628 (available in china, macau & taiwan)
transaction approved
please bring along the same credit card for this transaction and your travel document to collect your tickets at our ticketing office at the embarkation terminal.
for enquiries, please call hong kong (852) 2859 3333 / international toll free tel. 00800 3628 3628 (available in china, macau & taiwan)
please bring along the same credit card for this transaction and your travel document to collect your tickets at our ticketing office at the embarkation terminal.
for enquiries, please call hong kong (852) 2859 3333 / international toll free tel. 00800 3628 3628 (available in china, macau & taiwan)
이런 창이 나왔습니다...
그럼 전 결재는 언제 되는건가요?ㅠㅠㅠ 신용카드 결재문자도 안왔습니다..
이메일도 회사껄로 해놔서 들어가보지도 못합니다..ㅠㅠ