고객센터  l  자유게시판
인기검색어 스파, 물놀이, 콘도, 호텔, 레지던스
상반기 리뉴얼 공지
이런경우 있으신가요?(신용카드)

이런경우 있으신가요?(신용카드)


어제 처음으로 갭에서 직구 이용햇는데 메일을 받앗어요.
주문시 빌링 주소랑 배송 주소모두 모아 주소로 했는데..
제 신용카드 정보랑 매치가 안된다고 하네요.
이런 경우 어떻게 해야하죠?저는 현재 호주 살고 있고 호주 신용카드사용하고 있어요.
저같은 경험 잇으신분 있으세요?사이트글 보며 겨우겨우 주문했는데.. 주문취소되게 생겼어요..ㅠㅠ

dearhyosun kang,

thank you for your recentgap.comorder #tsl8s0b, which is currently being held due to insufficient billing information. please call us with the correct billing information listed below that the issuing bank has on file for you; please have your credit card and order number available at the time of your call. please note that if a response is not received within 24 hours, your order will be canceled.

1. your name as it appears on your credit card.
2. the billing address that is listed for you with your issuing bank.
3. the telephone number that is listed for you with your issuing bank.
4. the name and address you have requested that your order be shipped to.
5. the telephone number to your issuing bank that is listed on the back of your credit card.

for further assistance, please contact gap.com at 1-800-gap-style (1-800-427-7895) within 1 business day and say “research” when prompted to choose the department you’d like to speak with. if you are calling from outside of the u.s. you may reach us at 1-614-744-3750. our customer research consultants are available between the hours of 8:30am - 9:00pm eastern time monday through friday and 10am - 6pm eastern time saturday and sunday.
you are a valued customer. we look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • 여우By

    카드사에 전화해서 등록하는건가요? 처음 들어봐요..ㅠㅠ

  • 맑다

    사용카드에 해외주소를 따로등록하셔야해요.배대지주소를요.
    근데 호주는...어떻게하는지모르겄네요ㅠㅠ

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